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Property Management

5 Amazing Facts To Know About Living In A Mobile Home Park

Mobile home park living is one of the very best ways to live comfortably and affordably in this day and age. Many people may not realize it, but there are quite a few important advantages attached to the lifestyle, and we’ll be exploring a few key ones in this post.

As examples, you don’t have to worry about managing the property, as organizations such as Sierra Corporate Management take care of that. Also, rents for the homes/lots are very low and there’s just less for you to have to worry about in general.

Let’s now look at 5 very convincing advantages to living in a modern mobile home park so you can truly understand the benefits of the lifestyle.

#1 – You’ll Be Amazed At How Much More Money You Have

This is very likely one of the major reasons people choose to downsize their homes, cease paying high mortgages or rent, and move into a mobile home park.

With the cost of living and housing going up seemingly every day, downsizing where you’re living is the best way to suddenly find yourself with a lot more cash to spend. Whether you own your own mobile home, or rent the home and lot inside the park, your cost of living is reduced dramatically compared to residing in conventional housing.

Life is about having the means to enjoy yourself, and having more disposable income certainly helps with that in a big way.

#2 – Mobile Home Parks Are Professionally Managed

All you really have to do is look after your mobile home and the small lot it rests on. Park management take care of the rest. While residents are expected to respect the park and dispose of their rubbish responsibly, the management team looking after the park handle all maintenance, repairs, cleaning, gardening and so on within the park grounds.

A well managed mobile home park is a place you can be proud to call home. It won’t be some rundown environment, but rather a well maintained, clean and picturesque community of like-minded people all enjoying a simplified lifestyle.

#3 – You’ll Have More Freedom

You’ll find yourself spending a lot less of your spare time cleaning your home and generally looking after it. As it’s a smaller home, cleaning is quick and easy, and there’s not a lot of yard space to attend to either.

Add this extra time with the extra money you’ll have, and this adds up to a lot more lifestyle freedom.

True freedom is having both time and money at the same time, and that’s exactly the scenario you’ll find yourself in when you live in a mobile home park community.

Indulge that hobby you love so much, go on a trip occasionally, get out and about more on weekends. You’ll now be able to do it without stress.

#4 – Mobile Home Parks Have Awesome Amenities

Just about every modern day mobile home park has public amenities and facilities that are in place for your enjoyment.

One of these could be a swimming pool, where you can chill out during summer and relax after a day at work. If you have kids, then they’re going to love coming home from school and leaping into the pool.

Barbecue areas for some outdoor cooking, dining and entertaining are another common feature of mobile home parks. Get together with the new friends you’ve met in the park and enjoy a meal and a few drinks, or invite the family over and spend some chill out time together.

Game’s rooms, kid’s playgrounds and small areas of parkland are also common features for everyone to take advantage of.

#5 – Enjoy Serenity, Safety, Security and Stability

Park rules are in place to ensure every resident’s quiet enjoyment when living in a mobile home park. Mobile home parks are also very safe environments, and a perfect place to raise a young family, or for retirees to feel like they have stability and security.

Also, because of the community vibe, everyone looks out for each other, giving you even greater peace of mind.

Some mobile home parks even hire security guards to keep an eye on things after dark, so not only will you have more time and money freedom, you’ll feel more secure as well.