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Real Estate

Tips For Selling A House In The Current Covid-19 Climate

It’s no secret that COVID-19 has rattled the world’s economy and affected how we interact on a social level. Industries we once thought were immune to socioeconomic turbulence are now faring poorly, but people are still finding new ways of buying and selling homes. Success requires adjusting to the current environment, practicing social distancing, and prioritizing safety.

While business is slow, more real estate property management firms are still reporting deals – this means you won’t have to cancel your plans to move anytime soon. But how does selling a property in this new environment work? Are you supposed to reach a compromise by settling for less or spend an eternity in homes of getting a good offer? Not if you know what you’re doing.

Here’s our round-up of 5 effective ways to sell your house during COVID-19.

1. Presentation Is Still A Priority

Property for sale

When it comes to selling your home, presentation is everything. Your goal should be to make your house aesthetically pleasing to draw as many prospects as you can. Presentation includes both the interior and exterior of your home. You have to make sure your home is clean and neat on the inside.

Take a look at the interior décor and decide if certain rooms need a fresh coat of paint. You may want to rearrange furniture for improved traffic flow. There are always subtle ways of giving your room a quick makeover that will make property buyers feel more comfortable as they move around your home. Now would also be the right time to make minor fixes to your home as you prepare to sell it.

For example, if there is a drywall patch that is botching the overall interior presentation, now is the time to take care of it. If there’s a broken window, have it fixed or replaced. Get new doorknobs that you think can add value to your residential property for sale. There are several low-cost ways of improving your home’s presentation before listing it on the market.

The next step is to make sure your house’s exterior looks tidied up. This includes cleaning up the backyard, painting the garage door, clearing out all the cutters, and making those small repairs to completely overhaul your home’s curb appeal. COVID-19 is really no excuse to ignore presentation.

2. Book A Home Inspection

It’s a buyer’s market and depending on where you live, prospects might have more options when it comes to buying properties. To stay ahead of the curve, you’ll have to offer certain amenities that are usually the buyer’s responsibility, such as home inspection.

Your goal should be to get your home professionally inspected to uncover any potential problems it may have. This crucial step can be a win-win scenario for both you and your prospects because it helps you avoid costly surprises once the home is under contract.

Note: At the time of writing, COVID-19 lockdown restrictions are slowly easing across the country and most states are now allowing open home inspections as well as in-person visits, albeit with limited attendance.

3. Don’t Entertain Dramatically Low Offers

It isn’t unheard of for opportunistic buyers to give you a really low offer.  The thing about property prices is that they’re usually based on how the economy is doing as a whole. Pandemics come and go, and they’re usually not enough to reduce home prices. If anything, prices are still holding strong because of fewer listings.

In general, don’t settle for an offer that you don’t feel comfortable with.  It is worth mentioning that past pandemics were overcome in a matter of months if not weeks. If the current pandemic persists and people continue to lose their jobs, the real estate market could get in trouble as a result. But at the time of writing, there is no indication of prices falling.

If you work with a credible real estate property management firm, you can always craft a strong counteroffer – the trick is to not lose your nerve.

4. Use Teleconferencing Tools

Property for sale

COVID-19 spreads when too many people are jam-packed in a tiny area without PPE. This is why it is important to communicate with people using teleconferencing solutions, where possible. You can always use teleconferencing tools like FaceTime, Zoom, and Skype to keep tabs on the market and communicate with your agent and buyers alike.

Get in touch with professionals from credible real estate agents near you who can provide video walkthroughs to your listing or hold virtual open house using tech like Facebook Live.  If you’re not comfortable with someone photographing your house, ask your agent for tips on how to record your video walkthrough and best practices.

Many sellers are wondering if COVID-19 has plummeted their home’s value.

5. Reduce In-Person Visits

It is certainly not a good idea to host an open house, not while the pandemic rages on. But potential buyers will want to view your house in person before making an offer. As a house seller, you’re probably worried about strangers leaving germs behind in your house causing you to stop in-person showings altogether.  But doing this may take a bit longer to attract an offer.

An experienced real estate agent can take extra steps to protect your place and conduct face-to-face meetings on a case-by-case basis.  Ask your real estate agent if this is possible where you live.

It is good practice to use COVID-19 certification forms that buyers, agents, and sellers must sign before entering a home. This certification states that, to the best of their knowledge, they are not infected with or have been exposed to SARS-CoV-2.

Talk to your real estate agent about safety procedures such as:

  • Requiring buyers to wear PPE
  • Having agents and buyers arrive at your home separately
  • Deep cleaning and disinfecting before and after in-person showings
  • Making hand sanitizers and soaps available with signs that encourage frequent hand washing

Wrapping Up

Now is the right time to sell your house, even if COVID-19 continues to rage on. Despite the economic upheaval in the housing market, buyers are actively looking to buy properties. All you need is access to the right tools and advice to maximize your chances of closing a transaction. Do keep in mind that it could take slightly longer than usual.

Is your residential property for sale but you’re unsure how to attract the best prices? An expert real estate agent in your area can make all the difference. Click here to get in touch with a professional.

Author Bio:

Andrew Magro is Licensee at Harcourts Carlingford, a well-known real estate agency offering a full range of real estate services, specialising in residential, commercial, rental properties and property management services. Andrew has worked in the real estate industry for 16 years, which has given him a thorough knowledge of the Carlingford and Greater Hills areas.